Sunday, January 9, 2011

I'm Positively Contrite

I owe you an apology.  I've let you down.  (And by you, I mean Danielle, since you're the only one who reads this.)  I've let myself down.  Hell, I've let my great country down.

January 2, 2011 -- a historic and monumental holiday -- has come and gone with nary a celebration from me.  That I could let such a special day pass without word is inexcusable, so I won't even try to make something up.  I'll just say that I'm so sorry.  I won't let you down like this again.

No, I'm not referring to St. Berchtold's Day -- although killing a bear and celebrating with nuts and nut games certainly sounds like a good time.  I'm referring to the great Gabrielle Carteris's 50th birthday!

That's right, Andrea Zuckerman, the girl who taught us that there were better ways to get popular than advertising our sexual conquests, is 50 years young.  In honor of this stupendous occasion, I've created a tribute video to everyone's favorite 90's era wet-blanket.

Watch here as she ages through her thirties with the grace and dignity it takes to play a haughty 16 year-old nerd pining for the most popular boy in school.

Mrs. Zuckerman-Vasquez, you've taught us so much: high school newspapers can break national stories, the dangers of drug use, how to take down sexist high school advisors, the fine art of seduction, that it's okay to have an affair with your baby's pediatrician -- as long as your trapped in your shotgun marriage to a caterer/lawyer, and, most importantly, that the length and color of your hair truly does define how cool you are.  So, here's to you, Andrea, welcome to our wolfpack.


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