Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Some help...

For the record, we're Red Sox fans.  The tried and true, til we die kind of Red Sox fans, not the pink-hat-wearing, our teams in the play offs and we want to go to the bar kind of Red Sox fans.  But, we know that some members of the wolfpack may not like baseball as much as we do.  We think these individuals just haven't found the team that fits them best.

When you have a team that fits you, it becomes like a family.  Sometimes you like them, sometimes you hate them, sometimes they can't get their pitching together and need to cut their losses with the 6-year, $52 million mistake they made in 2007, but in the end, they're the ones you always come home to.  To that end, here's a helpful guide to picking the right team for your personality.

(Click to enlarge.)

Thank you Intepretation by Design.
 Hope that helps.

xo kate

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