Thursday, March 17, 2011

Are we human or are we dancer?

I'm obsessed with this video right now.  Anne Marsen was training to be The Prima Ballerina when she gave it all up, opting instead to "go rogue" taking as many different dance classes as she could -- sometimes as many as four in a day.  She met Jacob Krubnick at an audition, and together they collaborated to create the Girl Walk -- a one person flash mob (You know, without the mob part.  I was going to say flash dance, but that just sounded weird.  You get what I mean.) of sorts dancing her way through New York City.  They've now received funding to create a full-length video and I can. not. wait.  I read about it all in this great article in The New York Times, and now I can't stop listening to Girl Talk and dancing around my apartment pretending to be a professionally trained dancer.  I recommend that you read it, watch it and do the same.

xo kate


  1. This is awesome!! Love the music mash up too!

  2. This is completely ahhhhhhhmazing. Love it. And oddly, I'm loving her jacket/windbreaker thing. Sweet.
