Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wellesley College official flashmob

I'm something of an expert on flashmobs.

And by "expert" I really mean that I am currently planning my first for Kim and Eric's wedding, with the help of my friend Bones. It is a brilliant, simple, and tasteful mash-up of the King of Pop, the Contours, the Pointer Sisters, and of course, LMFAO. Yes. We'll be shuffling. While the masterpiece is still a work in progress and not yet ready for primetime, please enjoy a recent flash mob put together by my alma mater, Wellesley College.


  1. is it awkward that it took until 3/4 through this video to recognize where they were on campus? also, since when is that a place people are just milling around?

  2. So excited to learn of a status update regarding your flash mob! Please make sure it's recorded and uploaded on here! :)
