Monday, January 17, 2011

Heartbreak...and Recovery

In light of Danielle's inspiring message about turning sadness into awesomeness, I've decided to pick myself up off my living room floor, dry my tears, clean up all the things I broke in a rage last night and concentrate on all the things that make life just a little more awesome.  Here's a few...

On Fridays, when Us Weekly comes and I get to learn all the reasons stars are just like us (Their dogs go poo!  They eat food!), and decide for myself who wore it best.

The new Britney song, which I'm proud to love.  Don't hold it against me.

Vacation planning.  I'm currently planning my annual spring weekend with my BFF.  So many choices, so much fun.

Those three-pairs for $4.99 earrings at Target, they are totally made for someone like me who loses earrings constantly.

Chuck Bass is a real lady killer.
JalapeƱo infused tequila.  I had it for the first time on Saturday night, and it was a spicy delight.  Much like me.  Wink.

My fish, Chuck Bass.  Much like the warm-blooded Chuck Bass, the aquatic version is flashy, aloof and a big snob.  He also has a flair for the dramatic. He can hold REALLY still. For a REALLY long time.  I'm not going to lie to you, it can be pretty disconcerting at times.  But it makes especially awesome when he starts swimming around again.

Hats.  I love them, and despite having an unusually large head, I can mostly pull them off.  Assuming I can find ones that can fit on my huge noggin.

Those alcohol wipes at the gym.  So much better than that towels and spray bottles.

Shows that you can watch over and over and never get sick of.  I think there's a comfort in knowing exactly what is going to happen, but still enjoying watching the stories unfold.  For me, it's Friends and The West Wing.  In the words of Depeche Mode, I just can't get enough.

People who get things done.  You know those kinds of people who are smart, competent, efficient and self-directed and just get it done?  I want to be just like them when I grow up.

Awards season has officially begun -- which means lots and lots of vapid judging and fashion spreads.

Good looking guys, great looking city.
Movies that feature Boston.  My favorites are Good Will Hunting and The Departed, but I'll pretty much watch anything set in my favorite city.  Sometimes I even watch the fifth and sixth seasons of Dawson's Creek for the aerial panoramas and Boston-based exterior shots.  And definitely not for the plots or because I love Pacey or anything.  Cuz that would be weird...  Anyway, I especially love when non-Bostonian actors can do great non-rhotic Boston accents.  Jeremy Renner in The Town and Leonardo DiCaprio in The Departed are great examples.  Martin Sheen in The Departed is not a great example.

These are just a few of the things that are making life awesome now, instead of tragic.

xo kate

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