Monday, January 3, 2011

I'm Chuck Bass is Monday night. I've survived the first Monday back to work after a 10-day luxurious holiday break. I maintained resolution and hit up Monday's spin class. And now I'm looking forward to the best part of Monday--Gossip Girl...

(Record Scratch)

...but its still on winter hiatus and the CW is showing a repeat. Ew.

Dear CW,
If you are going to air a repeat, at least have the creativity to choose a vintage GG before Vanessa was a real character. And when Jenny still had real hair.
Love, Dfest

Anywayyyyyy, while I can't get my weekly GG fix tonight, I do have 2 pieces of good news.

One: Gossip Girl returns on January 24th--which according to "experts" and "calculations" will be the most depressing day of 2011, also known as "Blue Monday." While Blue Monday doesn't come with all of the shopping deals that accompany "Black Friday", at least we will have something to look forward to that night on the Upper East Side.

Two: Chuck Bass is in my wolfpack, and this post is dedicated to him.
Yes, I realize Chuck can be quite the player. And he can't always express his feelings. And he's just a little tragic. But I'm not suggesting we nominate him as the next Bachelor. I'm merely making the case that such a character should run in our wolfpack--if he were a real person, that is.

And so, without further ado, I give you the top five reasons Charles Bartholomew "Chuck" Bass is wolfpack material:

1. He has seemingly infinite resources.

2. He is not afraid of making bold fashion choices, including argyle, bow-ties and the color pink.

3. He is badass and cunning and ruthless with enemies, but fiercly loyal to friends and family.

4. He is Chuck Bass.

5. And I think this just sums it all up:

Thoughts on Chuck Bass? On other CW characters? On the merits of argyle? On Jenny's terrible hair extensions?


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