Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Year of James Franco

I'm just going to put it out there: I f-ing love James Franco.

Seriously, is there anything that this guy can't do?

James Franco didn't kill that bear.  But he could've.
He was hilarious in a bit part in Date Night, he just got an Oscar nomination for being pretty much the only character in 127 Hours, he's hosting the Oscars, he's adapting and directing As I Lay Dying (because Faulker written in like a dozen points of view is totally easy to adapt), and he -- seemingly completely randomly (although he was inspired by his role in Maladies) -- created a part for himself on the soap opera General Hospital playing a crazed artist which he, in turn, filmed and is turning into a piece of performance art to be shown and used in a special episode of General Hospital. (Art imitating life imitating art?)  Oh, and, by the by, he's also getting his Ph.D. in English at Yale University.  (As a Harvard alum, I'm a little disappointed that he didn't go for the gold -- or Crimson as the case may be -- but I guess Yale isn't a bad second choice.)

Actor. Director. Artist. MC. Scholar.

I think he's awesome.  And I think I'm putting him in my wolfpack.

xo kate


  1. "As I lay dying" is one of my favorites! So exciting.

  2. He is definitely something of a Renaissance Man--and cute to boot! I wish I still watched General Hospital, would have been fun to see him on there.

    I'll admit that I think the choice of him and Anne Hathaway as Oscar hosts is mighty random but I'll reserve judgement until I see how they do.
