Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Breaking news: La Situazione

I just received important breaking news from my lovely friend, Melissa:

MTV Remote Control Blog says, "Yes yesss y’all — the rumors on TMZ are true. 'Jersey Shore' will be shooting its fourth season in ITALY! According to an official hot-off-the-press release from our employer, the entire cast and crew of MTV’s wildly popular hit show will be trading in their shot-filled road trips to Seaside Heights for a sure-to-be mini-bottle laden plane ride to their homeland."

If you recall, Neil and I suggested this exact concept two weeks ago in this blog post. Which makes me think I'm either:

(a) psychic
(b) watching too much reality tv
(c) a wicked ginzo
(d) all of the above.

You can read the full story here, at MTV Remote Control Blog.

(and grazie mille to Melissa for the tip!)


  1. I have a feeling that this is going to be tragically awesome. The ones out of this group that actually are Italian are likely to have a bit of culture shock, I think.

  2. Why would the wolfpack promote such a thing?!

    This show is the perfect example of the bratty society we have created and are constantly promoting.

    Down with the Jersey Shore!

    And while I'm at it, someone take the mic from Ke$ha!

  3. Don't hate me but I don't watch the Jersey Shore. My boyfriend does, and I'm going to require that he does sit ups the entire time he watches. It's only fair. I saw this on dlisted yesterday and Michael K, my bitchy Asian twin said it best (as he's known to do), Italy is wrapping itself in a giant boot shaped condom right now.

    P.S. I think I'm in love with flaco16
