I also have one big to-do item to tackle this weekend. I'm going to organize and edit my closet.
Lots of different style/fashion/lifestyle blogs have great advice about how to clean out your closet. My favorite post is is availalbe here on All Glam Things.
Rule #5 is my absolute favorite: Think four solids to every one pattern; four classics to every trend item; and four tops to every one bottom” by Carol Davidson, a New York City-based image consultant.
Words to live by or what?
Definitely words to live by! I need to clean up my closet, big time. It's a mess and I can't even close the doors on it. I'm ruthless when it comes to editing my closet, if I haven't worn it and I don't love it, out it goes! I just need to organize... hope you had a great weekend with your sister and ate your pancakes! :)