Wildcats, we have some exciting news to share with you. One of our very favorite bloggers, the talented and fabulous Bre, of BreBeauty, has honored us with a Stylish Blogger Award. To say that we're thrilled would be an epic understatement. We are beside ourselves. Probably obnoxiously so. (Do I now sometimes make my friends and family refer to W&W as my award-winning blog? Sure. Am I proud of that? No. Well, maybe a little bit.)
In order to accept our award, we have to share with you seven random things about ourselves, and pass the award on to some of our favorite blogs. Throughout the course of the day, we will post random facts about ourselves and at the end of the day, we'll share with you our favorite blogs. We hope you enjoy!
THANK YOU SO MUCH BRE! We are so honored to be in your company!
Of course! You and Dfest are fabulous! Thank YOU both for having me in the Wolfpack! Wildcats and Wolfpacks is a hilarious, must read! :)