Thursday, March 10, 2011

GTL Thursdays: Getting ready

The Jersey Shore Season 3 Finale is only weeks away. While the cast mates are packing their bags and learning key Italian phrases (lavanderie = laundry) we are preparing to be Guido-less for several months.

I know. I have a pit in my stomach too. To help quell your unease, I recommend watching this...

Although Ellen has done a pretty good job of arming Mike with some necessary vernacular, I'm a little worried about the group's survival in Italia. As such, I'm planning to compile a short-but-totally-sweet list of Italian traveler's tips for the Shore cast mates.

For example: don't touch the fruit! Be it at a fruttivendolo (street stand) or in the Coop (the supermarket) you are not allowed to touch the produce with your mere hands. On the street, you point to what you want, and the vendor will bag it for you. In the Coop, you have to put on a plastic, one-time use glove before choosing your apples, or what have you. If you're like me, you'll forget you are wearing the glove until you reach aisle otto or nove (8 or 9), at which point you will feel compelled to break out into a tone-deaf rendition of Billie Jean...moonwalking all the way to the check out. This is totally fine and appropriate. But be warned, it will clue people in to your pure American-ness, if the camera crew and guido wardrobe didn't accomplish that already. Just remember, hands off the melons! Non tocare!

Your suggestions for this list are most welcome. I plan to send it to Pauly D when its complete. I'm fairly sure my thoughtfulness will result in my becoming best friends with Pauly, and ultimately his wife. No big deal.

See me your tips!

1 comment:

  1. hahahahaha priceless! This is extremely thoughtful of you, very helpful and informative. I didn't know that you couldn't touch the fruit at the market! I'll file that information away for the future. Danielle you want to marry Pauly D?!
