Monday, March 7, 2011

It's someone's special day!

My very favorite wildcat is celebrating her birthday today!  To honor this momentous occasion, I'm going to share with you some of the things that I love about my co-author extraordinaire.
The birthday girl with her birthday dessert.
You can't tell from the picture, but the birthday dress was entirely gold sequins.
And she looked phenomenal.
Besides being a fantastic wildcat -- as evidence by her wit, charm and sophistication on this blog -- the birthday girl is also one of my best friends.  Danielle is also one of those unique, fun-loving souls that can make everything feel like an adventure.  Even the most mundane and boring chores (like dorm meetings or studying) are fun when you're with her.  And she can make seemingly ordinary outings -- like stopping for hummus on a Tuesday night in January -- feel like an event.  For reals, I'd even go to the DMV or the dentist with this chick.  She's that much fun.  And she can dance like nobody's business.  Which probably wouldn't be very useful at the DMV or the dentist but I felt like it was worth mentioning.

But, this convivial spirit is not all just fun and fireworks.  She is also a loyal, trustworthy friend and the kind of person that you want on your side.  Danielle is the first person to reach out when a friend is in need, and she comes running in, armed with whatever you may need: a listening ear, sage advice, a snarky comment, hard liquor, a big hug or all of the above.

When I first met Danielle, I couldn't understand why she was still surrounded by so many people from her past -- she is remarkably close to her family and childhood cohorts, as well as dorm mates and friends from all avenues of her life -- but as I got to know her, I realized that she's the kind of person that once she's in your life, you can't imagine ever being without.  You know, like the way you feel about your iPod, or indoor plumbing.

Danielle and I first met in college, where pretty much every person on campus wanted to be in her wolfpack.  I'm so happy that I'm one of the lucky ones who gets to be.  Happy Birthday, wildcat.  Here's to many more.

xo kate


  1. Kate--this is so sweet it made me cry. I'm pretty sure its not all true, but just for today I'll pretend it is.

    I love you more than splenda and sequins...which is really saying a lot. Thank you for being a great friend to me every single day since I've met you. Love you, wildcat. xoxo

  2. Danielle, I'm surprised your birthday's not a national holiday -- how do we apply for that? Everything that Katie said is absolutely true, and because of all of that, you are one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I heart you to infinity and beyond!

  3. LLB! You are too romantic for words. When are we reuniting? I will be in DC in April helping Lisa prep for her deployment. I need some LLB in my life.

  4. This is such a sweet post, I love it! Happy Birthday Danielle! Hope your birthday was epic!
