Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tuesday Musings

One of my friends just posted this hilariously scary quiz of quotes by troubled sitcom actor Charlie Sheen and troubled Libyan dictator Colonel Muammar Qaddafi (That's the spelling the New York Times has been using, so that's what I'm going with.)  It's shocking how difficult it is to distinguish these ramblings.  Give it a try.

If you aren't listening to Adele's new album, 21, you should be.  It's absolutely fantastic and she is definitely one of the freshest and most talented young female artist out right now.  My favorites are Someone Like You and Set Fire to the Rain.  I realize I'm totally coming off like a scorned lover here, which is not the case at all.  I promise, this isn't a secret cry for help, I just really like the songs.

In last night's episode, The Daily Show did a really funny segment comparing the way people are talking about teacher's unions and Wall Street executives.  I'm amongst the most anti-union educators you'll find, but I still think it's completely ridiculous to say that teachers are overpaid or under worked, or to make any claim that cutting education is how we should fix public budget crises.  Jon Stewart's critique is witty, biting and spot-on.

xo kate

1 comment:

  1. Kate I think we are totally mind melting! Must be a wolfpack thing. I have been listening to Adele's latest constantly, maybe a little of the scorned lover thing, but whatever her voice is amazing. I thought Jon Stewart was fantastic as per usual, spot on. I really wish he wasn't married...

    The Gnarly Sheen business is a car crash I can't stop watching. You have to check out this http://www.livethesheendream.com/
